Warning: Declaration of P_Photocrati_NextGen::define() should be compatible with C_Base_Product::define($id = 'pope-produ...', $name = 'Pope Produ...', $description = '', $version = '', $uri = '', $author = '', $author_uri = '', $context = false) in /www/doc/www.frostfood.cz/www/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/product.photocrati_nextgen.php on line 72

Warning: Declaration of M_Fs::define() should be compatible with C_Base_Module::define($id = 'pope-modul...', $name = 'Pope Modul...', $description = '', $version = '', $uri = '', $author = '', $author_uri = '', $context = false) in /www/doc/www.frostfood.cz/www/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/fs/module.fs.php on line 34

Warning: Declaration of M_Router::define() should be compatible with C_Base_Module::define($id = 'pope-modul...', $name = 'Pope Modul...', $description = '', $version = '', $uri = '', $author = '', $author_uri = '', $context = false) in /www/doc/www.frostfood.cz/www/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/router/module.router.php on line 50

Warning: Declaration of M_I18N::define() should be compatible with C_Base_Module::define($id = 'pope-modul...', $name = 'Pope Modul...', $description = '', $version = '', $uri = '', $author = '', $author_uri = '', $context = false) in /www/doc/www.frostfood.cz/www/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/i18n/module.i18n.php on line 202

Warning: Declaration of M_Validation::define() should be compatible with C_Base_Module::define($id = 'pope-modul...', $name = 'Pope Modul...', $description = '', $version = '', $uri = '', $author = '', $author_uri = '', $context = false) in /www/doc/www.frostfood.cz/www/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/validation/module.validation.php on line 30

Warning: Declaration of M_WordPress_Routing::define() should be compatible with C_Base_Module::define($id = 'pope-modul...', $name = 'Pope Modul...', $description = '', $version = '', $uri = '', $author = '', $author_uri = '', $context = false) in /www/doc/www.frostfood.cz/www/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/wordpress_routing/module.wordpress_routing.php on line 76

Warning: Declaration of M_Security::define() should be compatible with C_Base_Module::define($id = 'pope-modul...', $name = 'Pope Modul...', $description = '', $version = '', $uri = '', $author = '', $author_uri = '', $context = false) in /www/doc/www.frostfood.cz/www/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/security/module.security.php on line 54

Warning: Declaration of M_Lzw::define($context = false) should be compatible with C_Base_Module::define($id = 'pope-modul...', $name = 'Pope Modul...', $description = '', $version = '', $uri = '', $author = '', $author_uri = '', $context = false) in /www/doc/www.frostfood.cz/www/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/lzw/module.lzw.php on line 36

Warning: Declaration of M_NextGen_Settings::define() should be compatible with C_Base_Module::define($id = 'pope-modul...', $name = 'Pope Modul...', $description = '', $version = '', $uri = '', $author = '', $author_uri = '', $context = false) in /www/doc/www.frostfood.cz/www/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/nextgen_settings/module.nextgen_settings.php on line 36

Warning: Declaration of M_MVC::define() should be compatible with C_Base_Module::define($id = 'pope-modul...', $name = 'Pope Modul...', $description = '', $version = '', $uri = '', $author = '', $author_uri = '', $context = false) in /www/doc/www.frostfood.cz/www/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/mvc/module.mvc.php on line 73

Warning: Declaration of M_Ajax::define() should be compatible with C_Base_Module::define($id = 'pope-modul...', $name = 'Pope Modul...', $description = '', $version = '', $uri = '', $author = '', $author_uri = '', $context = false) in /www/doc/www.frostfood.cz/www/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/ajax/module.ajax.php on line 101

Warning: Declaration of M_Dynamic_Stylesheet::define($context = false) should be compatible with C_Base_Module::define($id = 'pope-modul...', $name = 'Pope Modul...', $description = '', $version = '', $uri = '', $author = '', $author_uri = '', $context = false) in /www/doc/www.frostfood.cz/www/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/dynamic_stylesheet/module.dynamic_stylesheet.php on line 51

Warning: Declaration of M_Frame_Communication::define($context = false) should be compatible with C_Base_Module::define($id = 'pope-modul...', $name = 'Pope Modul...', $description = '', $version = '', $uri = '', $author = '', $author_uri = '', $context = false) in /www/doc/www.frostfood.cz/www/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/frame_communication/module.frame_communication.php on line 69

Warning: Declaration of M_DataMapper::define() should be compatible with C_Base_Module::define($id = 'pope-modul...', $name = 'Pope Modul...', $description = '', $version = '', $uri = '', $author = '', $author_uri = '', $context = false) in /www/doc/www.frostfood.cz/www/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/datamapper/module.datamapper.php on line 212

Warning: Declaration of M_NggLegacy::define() should be compatible with C_Base_Module::define($id = 'pope-modul...', $name = 'Pope Modul...', $description = '', $version = '', $uri = '', $author = '', $author_uri = '', $context = false) in /www/doc/www.frostfood.cz/www/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/ngglegacy/module.ngglegacy.php on line 50

Warning: Declaration of M_NextGen_Data::define() should be compatible with C_Base_Module::define($id = 'pope-modul...', $name = 'Pope Modul...', $description = '', $version = '', $uri = '', $author = '', $author_uri = '', $context = false) in /www/doc/www.frostfood.cz/www/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/nextgen_data/module.nextgen_data.php on line 117

Warning: Declaration of M_Dynamic_Thumbnails::define() should be compatible with C_Base_Module::define($id = 'pope-modul...', $name = 'Pope Modul...', $description = '', $version = '', $uri = '', $author = '', $author_uri = '', $context = false) in /www/doc/www.frostfood.cz/www/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/dynamic_thumbnails/module.dynamic_thumbnails.php on line 51

Warning: Declaration of M_NextGen_Admin::define() should be compatible with C_Base_Module::define($id = 'pope-modul...', $name = 'Pope Modul...', $description = '', $version = '', $uri = '', $author = '', $author_uri = '', $context = false) in /www/doc/www.frostfood.cz/www/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/nextgen_admin/module.nextgen_admin.php on line 156

Warning: Declaration of M_NextGen_AddGallery_Page::define() should be compatible with C_Base_Module::define($id = 'pope-modul...', $name = 'Pope Modul...', $description = '', $version = '', $uri = '', $author = '', $author_uri = '', $context = false) in /www/doc/www.frostfood.cz/www/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/nextgen_addgallery_page/module.nextgen_addgallery_page.php on line 63

Warning: Declaration of M_NextGen_Pagination::define() should be compatible with C_Base_Module::define($id = 'pope-modul...', $name = 'Pope Modul...', $description = '', $version = '', $uri = '', $author = '', $author_uri = '', $context = false) in /www/doc/www.frostfood.cz/www/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/nextgen_pagination/module.nextgen_pagination.php on line 28

Warning: Declaration of M_Gallery_Display::define() should be compatible with C_Base_Module::define($id = 'pope-modul...', $name = 'Pope Modul...', $description = '', $version = '', $uri = '', $author = '', $author_uri = '', $context = false) in /www/doc/www.frostfood.cz/www/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/nextgen_gallery_display/module.nextgen_gallery_display.php on line 368

Warning: Declaration of M_Attach_To_Post::define($context = false) should be compatible with C_Base_Module::define($id = 'pope-modul...', $name = 'Pope Modul...', $description = '', $version = '', $uri = '', $author = '', $author_uri = '', $context = false) in /www/doc/www.frostfood.cz/www/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/attach_to_post/module.attach_to_post.php on line 416

Warning: Declaration of M_NextGen_Other_Options::define() should be compatible with C_Base_Module::define($id = 'pope-modul...', $name = 'Pope Modul...', $description = '', $version = '', $uri = '', $author = '', $author_uri = '', $context = false) in /www/doc/www.frostfood.cz/www/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/nextgen_other_options/module.nextgen_other_options.php on line 87

Warning: Declaration of M_NextGen_Pro_Upgrade::define() should be compatible with C_Base_Module::define($id = 'pope-modul...', $name = 'Pope Modul...', $description = '', $version = '', $uri = '', $author = '', $author_uri = '', $context = false) in /www/doc/www.frostfood.cz/www/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/nextgen_pro_upgrade/module.nextgen_pro_upgrade.php on line 36

Warning: Declaration of M_MediaRss::define() should be compatible with C_Base_Module::define($id = 'pope-modul...', $name = 'Pope Modul...', $description = '', $version = '', $uri = '', $author = '', $author_uri = '', $context = false) in /www/doc/www.frostfood.cz/www/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/mediarss/module.mediarss.php on line 44

Warning: Declaration of M_Cache::define() should be compatible with C_Base_Module::define($id = 'pope-modul...', $name = 'Pope Modul...', $description = '', $version = '', $uri = '', $author = '', $author_uri = '', $context = false) in /www/doc/www.frostfood.cz/www/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/cache/module.cache.php on line 40

Warning: Declaration of M_Lightbox::define() should be compatible with C_Base_Module::define($id = 'pope-modul...', $name = 'Pope Modul...', $description = '', $version = '', $uri = '', $author = '', $author_uri = '', $context = false) in /www/doc/www.frostfood.cz/www/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/lightbox/module.lightbox.php on line 321

Warning: Declaration of M_NextGen_Basic_Album::define() should be compatible with C_Base_Module::define($id = 'pope-modul...', $name = 'Pope Modul...', $description = '', $version = '', $uri = '', $author = '', $author_uri = '', $context = false) in /www/doc/www.frostfood.cz/www/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/nextgen_basic_album/module.nextgen_basic_album.php on line 148

Warning: Declaration of C_NextGen_Basic_Album_Installer::install() should be compatible with C_Gallery_Display_Installer::install($reset = false) in /www/doc/www.frostfood.cz/www/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/nextgen_basic_album/class.nextgen_basic_album_installer.php on line 25

Warning: Declaration of M_NextGen_Basic_Templates::define() should be compatible with C_Base_Module::define($id = 'pope-modul...', $name = 'Pope Modul...', $description = '', $version = '', $uri = '', $author = '', $author_uri = '', $context = false) in /www/doc/www.frostfood.cz/www/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/nextgen_basic_templates/module.nextgen_basic_templates.php on line 50

Warning: Declaration of M_NextGen_Basic_Gallery::define() should be compatible with C_Base_Module::define($id = 'pope-modul...', $name = 'Pope Modul...', $description = '', $version = '', $uri = '', $author = '', $author_uri = '', $context = false) in /www/doc/www.frostfood.cz/www/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/nextgen_basic_gallery/module.nextgen_basic_gallery.php on line 244

Warning: Declaration of C_NextGen_Basic_Gallery_Installer::install() should be compatible with C_Gallery_Display_Installer::install($reset = false) in /www/doc/www.frostfood.cz/www/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/nextgen_basic_gallery/class.nextgen_basic_gallery_installer.php on line 27

Warning: Declaration of M_NextGen_Basic_ImageBrowser::define() should be compatible with C_Base_Module::define($id = 'pope-modul...', $name = 'Pope Modul...', $description = '', $version = '', $uri = '', $author = '', $author_uri = '', $context = false) in /www/doc/www.frostfood.cz/www/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/nextgen_basic_imagebrowser/module.nextgen_basic_imagebrowser.php on line 126

Warning: Declaration of C_NextGen_Basic_ImageBrowser_Installer::install() should be compatible with C_Gallery_Display_Installer::install($reset = false) in /www/doc/www.frostfood.cz/www/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/nextgen_basic_imagebrowser/class.nextgen_basic_imagebrowser_installer.php on line 17

Warning: Declaration of M_NextGen_Basic_Singlepic::define() should be compatible with C_Base_Module::define($id = 'pope-modul...', $name = 'Pope Modul...', $description = '', $version = '', $uri = '', $author = '', $author_uri = '', $context = false) in /www/doc/www.frostfood.cz/www/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/nextgen_basic_singlepic/module.nextgen_basic_singlepic.php on line 127

Warning: Declaration of C_NextGen_Basic_SinglePic_Installer::install() should be compatible with C_Gallery_Display_Installer::install($reset = false) in /www/doc/www.frostfood.cz/www/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/nextgen_basic_singlepic/class.nextgen_basic_singlepic_installer.php on line 16

Warning: Declaration of M_NextGen_Basic_Tagcloud::define() should be compatible with C_Base_Module::define($id = 'pope-modul...', $name = 'Pope Modul...', $description = '', $version = '', $uri = '', $author = '', $author_uri = '', $context = false) in /www/doc/www.frostfood.cz/www/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/nextgen_basic_tagcloud/module.nextgen_basic_tagcloud.php on line 146

Warning: Declaration of C_NextGen_Basic_Tagcloud_Installer::install() should be compatible with C_Gallery_Display_Installer::install($reset = false) in /www/doc/www.frostfood.cz/www/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/nextgen_basic_tagcloud/class.nextgen_basic_tagcloud_installer.php on line 21

Warning: Declaration of M_Widget::define() should be compatible with C_Base_Module::define($id = 'pope-modul...', $name = 'Pope Modul...', $description = '', $version = '', $uri = '', $author = '', $author_uri = '', $context = false) in /www/doc/www.frostfood.cz/www/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/widget/module.widget.php on line 54

Warning: Declaration of M_Third_Party_Compat::define() should be compatible with C_Base_Module::define($id = 'pope-modul...', $name = 'Pope Modul...', $description = '', $version = '', $uri = '', $author = '', $author_uri = '', $context = false) in /www/doc/www.frostfood.cz/www/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/third_party_compat/module.third_party_compat.php on line 407

Warning: Declaration of M_NextGen_XmlRpc::define() should be compatible with C_Base_Module::define($id = 'pope-modul...', $name = 'Pope Modul...', $description = '', $version = '', $uri = '', $author = '', $author_uri = '', $context = false) in /www/doc/www.frostfood.cz/www/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/nextgen_xmlrpc/module.nextgen_xmlrpc.php on line 630

Warning: Parameter 1 to wp_default_scripts() expected to be a reference, value given in /www/doc/www.frostfood.cz/www/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 580

Warning: Parameter 1 to wp_default_styles() expected to be a reference, value given in /www/doc/www.frostfood.cz/www/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 580

Warning: Parameter 2 to M_DataMapper::set_custom_wp_query_where() expected to be a reference, value given in /www/doc/www.frostfood.cz/www/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 270

Warning: Parameter 2 to M_DataMapper::set_custom_wp_query_groupby() expected to be a reference, value given in /www/doc/www.frostfood.cz/www/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 270

Warning: Parameter 2 to M_DataMapper::set_custom_wp_query_fields() expected to be a reference, value given in /www/doc/www.frostfood.cz/www/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 270

Warning: Parameter 2 to M_DataMapper::set_custom_wp_query() expected to be a reference, value given in /www/doc/www.frostfood.cz/www/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 270
Aktuality – FrostFood



3.1.2019 Nabídkový leták maloobchodního prodeje

Warning: Declaration of C_DataMapper_Driver_Base::define($object_name, $context = false) should be compatible with C_Component::define($context = false) in /www/doc/www.frostfood.cz/www/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/datamapper/class.datamapper_driver_base.php on line 744
NABÍDKOVÝ LETÁK leták pro maloobchodní prodej v místě výrobního závodu v Rokytnici v O.h. Zde najdete objednávkový formulář stáhnout Návody k přípravě všech produktů naleznete přiloženém souboru Návod k přípravě

10.5.2018 Hledáme zaměstnance na pozice

předák pracoviště, pomocný skladník, dělník… …

4.5.2017 Exkurze pro žáky 9. ročníku FrostFood, a. s.

Ve čtvrtek 27. 4. odpoledne navštívili žáci 9. ročníku ZŠ Rokytnice v O. h. firmu FrostFood, a. s. Vedoucí výrobního závodu nám řekla o historii a struktuře firmy. Čtěte více zde

26.6.2014 20. let společnosti

Společnost FrostFood a.s. si v pátek 20.6.2014 připomněla 20. výročí svého založení. Krátké shrnutí uplynulých 20-ti let můžete vidět ve videu ZDE a nebo si prohlédněte televizní reportáž na Východočeské televizi V1 ZDE

29.8.2013 Nové webové stránky Don Peppe

Spouštíme nové webové stránky pro naše nové značkové výrobky www.donpeppe.cz  

7.7.2013 Získali jsme dotaci

Společnost FrostFood a.s. dne 1. června 2013 získala dotaci v rámci projektu s názvem Podpora odborné kvalifikace zaměstnanců FrostFood a.s. ve výrobě mražených potravin, registrační číslo projektu je CZ.1.04/1.1.02/94.00463. Projekt realizujeme v rámci Operačního programu Lidské zdroje a zaměstnanost. …

27.6.2013 Hledáme brigádníky

Hledáme brigádníky do výrobního závodu v Rokytnici v Orlických horách. Požadujeme věk nad 16 let, práce na směny, brigádníci ve věku 16 – 18 let pouze na ranní směny od 6.00 -14.00h. V případě zájmu kontaktujte předáka směny na emailu …

29.5.2013 Uvádíme na trh nové produkty

Uvádíme na trh nové produkty: Don Peppe brusinkové knedlíky 680g, Don Peppe Ravioli – plněné těstoviny 400g ve 4 příchutích (s ricottou, se špenátem, s vepřovým masem a s hovězím masem) a bezlepkovou pizzu ve 2 příchutích (šunkovou 320g a …